Monday, May 6, 2019

Emotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

feeling - Essay ExampleMotivational and emotional processes give cosmetic surgery to a natural gift n the environment known as interaction. 2Motivation is the desire, the willingness to do something, it is an undergo emotion. In order to understand indigence well its relationship with emotion should be understood. A soulfulness living goes through emotions when he/she achieves or does not achieve something in live. The emotions help the soulfulness to figure the benefit that was brought through achievement and the disadvantages of the lack of achievement. In emotion there is a hidden magnetic dip to avoid something that is harmful and also has a motivational factor towards things that benefit them and lead them to act. Motivation minimizes the business concern of existence and gives a feeling of safety, security and avoids fear. In order to obtain something in life you truly wanted, you need to be highly motivational and not thinking about others opinion of it and aiming at it to win. 1 physical Theories It lies under biological approach and was established in 1884 by William James. In this theory he states that a changed situation leads to the corporate changes which results in emotional experience revealing stirring facts about the perceptions. For example, encountering a buckle under in the woods results in the heart beating fleet producing adrenaline. This adrenaline results in the emotion of fear rising.Cannon-Bard speculation it also lies under the biological approach a... by James (as mentioned above) but he criticizes that the bodily changes does not just give rise to an emotion but they motivate the person to act upon it. and then on an encounter with a bear, fear raises and due to this emotion the person is motivated to move aside from the place of danger by streamlet away as fast as he can.Schasters Theory It lies under the cognitive approach and was established in 1962 by Schaster. In this emotion is thought to be the part of physiol ogical arousal and cognitive interpretation. In this respect some experiment were conduct on varied arousal on the introduction of adrenaline as the participants were put in different situations. In this the cognitive along with the release of adrenaline in the participants or a gesture together motivation the participant into a response. For instance, when there an encounter with the bear, the adrenaline is released and the heart starts to beat at a faster rate showing that the sight of the bear is a danger and resulting in the fear arising and the person running away from the endangered area. 3ConclusionEmotion is a spontaneous response that arises in a person due to the change in the situation resulting in the feeling of fear, happiness, anger and rage being displayed which in turn motivates the person to take action relating to the emotion.Work cited1) Abdulla Zarqa. Whats Your Motive Internet, Available at , Accessed on July 21, 20072) Emotion Internet, Available at , Accessed on July 21, 20073) In search of emotion A brief historical refreshen Internet, Available at

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